American Airlines will convert 30 Boeing 737 MAX options into firm orders and defers 787 deliveries

Through a document filed to the US Securities Exchange Commission, American Airlines announced that has reached an agreement with Boeing to purchase 30 additional 737 MAX (in its -8 variant) by converting previously existing options into firm orders.

The carrier announced that on January 31 has confirmed 23 of those 30 options and intends to convert 7 additional options within this year. The delivery of those 30 aircraft will be split into two equal batches of 15 units in 2023 and 2024.

Also, the company stated that it has amended a Purchase Agreement signed with Boeing in 2008 for 787-9 aircraft, postponing the deliveries of those units until the fourth quarter of 2023. The original agreement set the delivery of the first 787-9 for next January.

The filing indicates that “Actual delivery dates are subject to change based on various potential factors including production delays by the manufacturer.” This is related directly to the uncertainty of when Boeing will resume 787 production and delivery, halted since 2021 after finding several quality issues on the parts and assembly lines.


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