Spirit AeroSystems acknowledges negotiations with Boeing: Acquisition in sight

spirit aerosystems

After the Wall Street Journal reported this Friday that Boeing was in talks to acquire Spirit AeroSystems, its troubled fuselage supplier based in Wichita, the company issued a statement confirming the information.

» No assurances can be given that a definitive agreement will be entered into, that any transaction will be consummated, or the timing, terms or conditions of any such transaction,» states Spirit’s statement.

«The Spirit Board of Directors and management team are committed to enhancing shareholder value and regularly review the Company’s opportunities to further this objective,» it continues, concluding that for the moment they have no intention of making further comments on what they define as «market speculation» or «disclose any developments unless and until it otherwise deems further disclosure is appropriate or required.»

Spirit AeroSystems’ shares rose 5.9% this Friday after the negotiations were revealed, but trading was later halted due to volatility.

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