Historic Revision: Argentina to Update Aeronautical Code for Enhanced Aviation Development

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Through the resolution 6/2024 of the Secretary of Transportation, under the Ministry of Infrastructure of Argentina, the creation of an “Aeronautical Code Regulation Commission” with an ad hoc character was established.

Article 1 details that the commission’s purpose will be “to draft and propose a regulation text that includes the modifications introduced by the Decree of Necessity and Urgency No. 70 dated December 20, 2023, to the aeronautical code“.

The decree highlights in its preamble that “Argentine aeronautical policy has strongly limited the development of the commercial aviation industry, a fundamental pillar not only of its federal integration but fundamentally of economic and tourist development“, hence it is understood “an integral reorganization of the commercial aviation legislation is imperative to provide the market with a competitive environment that offers enough flexibility to reach all Argentine cities“.

It is also indicated that this reform “implies the need to adapt and enact new regulations in line with international standards in terms of trade in goods and services, seeking to harmonize the internal regime, as far as possible, with other Mercosur countries or other international organizations”.

The commission, whose coordinator ad honorem will be Dr. Hernán Adrián Gómez, will have a period of 180 days from today to submit the progress made to the Secretary of Transportation. The rest of the participants will also act ad honorem.

Article 4 invites the industry and the various sector actors to participate in the commission.

Full text of Resolution 6/2024

resolution 6 2024 infrastructure transportation commission argentine aeronautical code


In a previous article, we had developed a chart that compared point by point the changes introduced to the Argentine Aeronautical Code, which can be accessed here:

reform aeronautical code DNU 70


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