For those interested in starting a career in aviation, finding the right school can be a challenge, especially when information is not easily accessible. aims to change this, providing a comprehensive solution that brings together all ANAC-certified institutions in one place. Currently, the directory features 117 published schools, with 40 more undergoing verification, ensuring users can rely on accurate and up-to-date information.
Each listed school undergoes a thorough verification process, which includes reviewing its certification and the registration number with which it appears in ANAC records. This detail not only adds an extra level of transparency but also ensures that future students only access legally authorized educational options.
An accessible platform for everyone
The directory not only brings schools together but also simplifies the search for information for aspiring pilots and other industry professionals. The tool offers a user-friendly experience, with filters that allow users to select institutions based on the province, type of program (PPL, CPL, TCP, among others), and type of educational entity.
This intuitive navigation flow not only helps users quickly find what they’re looking for but also provides schools with constant visibility, accessible 24/7. Many institutions without their own websites are beginning to use their profiles on the platform as their primary link on social media, ensuring that their information is always available and properly presented to those interested.
One of the most valuable features of this resource is the inclusion of Google reviews left by users about the schools. These reviews cannot be modified by the institutions or the platform, guaranteeing neutrality and transparency. Future students can consult these reviews to get a clear and honest view of past experiences, helping them make informed decisions.
An opportunity for aviation schools
Joining this directory does not involve additional costs. The tool is completely free for institutions that wish to participate. This not only offers schools visibility but also allows them to centralize information about their training programs, courses, and contact details in one place, improving their online presence without the need to manage an independent website.
For institutions, being part of a trusted platform like this means joining a network that is constantly growing and has started receiving inquiries from interested users. This opens the door to new enrollment opportunities and facilitates direct connections with potential students.
Aviation schools in Argentina continue to seek tools like this to connect with future professionals in the industry. With more than 117 schools already registered, the directory makes it easier to access reliable and updated information about educational offerings in the country. Institutions wishing to join can do so for free, taking advantage of a tool that enhances their visibility and facilitates contact with prospective students.