Farewell to the F-22: U.S. to choose its sixth-generation fighter in 2024

The U.S. Department of the Air Force issued a classified solicitation to industry for an engineering and manufacturing development contract for the Next Generation Air Dominance Platform (NGAD) program with the intent to award a contract in 2024. The NGAD will replace the mythical F-22 Raptor as the primary air superiority fighter.

“The NGAD Platform is a vital element of the Air Dominance family of systems which represents a generational leap in technology over the F-22, which it will replace,” Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall said. “NGAD will include attributes such as enhanced lethality and the ability to survive, persist, interoperate, and adapt in the air domain, all within highly contested operational environments. No one does this better than the U.S. Air Force, but we will lose that edge if we don’t move forward now.”, he added, in a clear reference to Chinese technological progress.

F-22 Raptor en FIDAE 2022
The F-22, the most lethal fighter in the USAF arsenal, is approaching its twilight.

This solicitation release formally begins the source selection process providing industry with the requirements the DAF (Department of the Air Force) expects for NGAD, as the future replacement of the F-22.

The NGAD acquisition strategy will invigorate and broaden the industrial base to deliver rapid and innovative warfighting capabilities.

The strategy incorporates lessons learned from recent Air Force acquisition programs and will leverage open architecture standards. This approach will enable the government to maximize competition throughout the life cycle, provide a larger, more responsive industry base and drastically reduce maintenance and sustainment costs.

The NGAD Platform is one of many critical combat capabilities that will enable counter-air missions with the ability to strike both airborne and ground-based threats to achieve air superiority and support the Joint Force.

Northrop Grumman NGAD sexta generación / sixth-generation
Northrop Grumman concept of an advanced sixth-generation fighter for the USAF NGAD program.

Further information on the NGAD Platform’s technical and programmatic details are classified to protect operational and technological advantages.

The Collaborative Combat Aircraft program (a program to develop unmanned combat aircraft, equivalent to the Australian Loyal Wingman) is not part of this selection of NGAD Platform sources.

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