Copa Airlines
[REPORT] Routes and flights at Mendoza airport after GOL resumption
As announced, GOL Linhas Aéreas resumed flights between Sao Paulo and Mendoza on Saturday, June 11th. The Brazilian company returned ...
Copa Airlines incrementa sus vuelos a Córdoba
A principios de junio, Copa Airlines aumentó su frecuencia de vuelos entre Ciudad de Panamá y Córdoba. La aerolínea panameña ...
Panama: Tocumen’s Terminal 2 set to begin operations in June 22
Tocumen S.A. announced that it will begin processing passengers and arriving and departing flights through Terminal 2 (T2) as of ...
Ecuador Continues Strengthening Cargo Operations
Last week, Ecuador’s National Civil Aviation Council renewed the US cargo airline United Parcel Services (UPS) license. The authorized operation ...
Ecuador continúa reforzando operaciones de carga
La semana pasada, el Consejo Nacional de Aviación Civil de Ecuador renovó el permiso de operación de la aerolínea de ...
Copa Holdings reported a net profit of US$19.8 million
Copa Holdings, which manages the Panamanian airline Copa Airlines and the Colombian airlines Copa Airlines Colombia and Wingo, presented the ...
Copa Holdings obtuvo beneficio neto de USD 19 millones en el primer trimestre
Copa Holdings, que reúne a Copa Airlines y a Wingo, presentó el reporte de sus resultados operativos y financieros correspondiente ...
Copa Airlines incrementa sus vuelos a Rosario
A partir del 9 de mayo, Copa Airlines incrementará sus vuelos entre Ciudad de Panamá y Rosario. La empresa operará ...
Copa Airlines to increase flights between Panama City and Rosario
Starting May 9th, Copa Airlines will increase its flights between Panama City and Rosario. The company will operate with Boeing ...