GOL maintains good pace of recovery in November


GOL Linhas Aéreas released this week its traffic results for November 2021, a month in which the company transported nearly 2 million passengers on more than 14,200 flights, and in which the return of scheduled international operations was highlighted.

The airline continues to maintain a good monthly growth rate, although still well below 2019 levels.


In November 2021, GOL recorded 14,257 flights across all its operations, split between 14,114 departures on domestic routes and 143 on international routes.

In the previous month, October 2021, there were 13,003 takeoffs, all of which were domestic, representing a monthly increase of 9.6% overall, or 8.5% if only domestic operations are taken into account.

Compared to the pre-Covid period, November 2019 totaled 21,730 takeoffs, of which 20,524 were domestic and 1,206 international, bringing the recovery level in November 2021 to 65.6% overall, i.e. 68.8% domestic and 11.9% international.

Seats offered

Through the 14,257 flights described above, GOL offered 2.468 million seats during November 2021, of which 2.444 million were on domestic flights and 23 thousand on international flights.

In October, 2.267 million seats were offered, all of them domestic, which represented an overall growth of 8.9% or a domestic growth of 7.8%.

In November 2019, there were 3.887 million in the sum of domestic and international, 3.679 for the domestic market, and 208 thousand for the international market. With this, GOL’s recovery in November 2021 stood at 63.5% in total, 66.4% in domestic and 11.1% in international.

Passengers carried

The total number of passengers that flew on GOL aircraft in November 2021 was 1.997 million. Of these, 1.981 million flew on domestic routes and 15 thousand on international routes.

In October, with domestic flights alone, GOL had transported 1.875 million people, so the monthly variation was +6.5% in total or +5.7% in the domestic market alone.

In 2019, the figures were 3.093 million in total, 2.939 million in the domestic market and 155,000 in the international market. Therefore, recoveries compared to pre-Covid are 64.6% overall, 67.4% in domestic, and 9.7% in international.

Seats per Kilometer

GOL’s ASK indicator (the result of the number of seats offered times the number of kilometers flown) in November 2021 stood at 2,716 million in total, comprising 2,655 million ASKs in the domestic market and 61 million ASKs in the international market.

Figures represent an overall increase in a monthly supply of 11.4% over October’s 2,439 million ASKs or an increase of 8.9% in the domestic market alone.

For the same month, November 2019, GOL’s total ASK supply recovery is 64.5% over that year’s 4.209 million, or a 71.4% domestic rebound and a 12.3% international increase.

Passengers per kilometer

The RPK indicator (the result of the number of passengers transported by the number of kilometers flown) was 2,231 million in November 2021, divided between 2,188 million domestic and 43 million international.

In October, this indicator of GOL’s demand had been 2.056 million domestic RPKs, representing monthly growth of 8.5% overall or 6.4% on domestic routes.

In November 2019, the figures were 3.396 million overall, 3.036 million domestic, and 360 million international, representing upticks of 65.7% overall, 72.1% domestic, and 11.9% international.

Occupancy rate

As GOL’s passenger demand increased between October and November slightly less than the increase in seat supply, the occupancy rate had a negative monthly variation. In October it had been 84.3%, dropping to 82.1% in November, with 82.4% in the domestic market and 70.2% in the international market.

In November 2019, rates were 80.7% overall, 81.7% on domestic routes, and 72.8% on international routes.

Punctuality and regularity

The punctuality of GOL’s operations, which indicates if flights were delayed, had a very significant drop between October and November 2021, from 94.2% of on-time flights to 86.4%.

Regularity, which measures flight cancellations, followed the opposite trend, improving from month to month, going from 98.7% in October to 99.7% in November.

In 2019, GOL’s on-time performance in November was 85.0% and regularity was 99.4%.

Cargo transported

Even though GOL does not have aircraft dedicated exclusively to transporting cargo, the company uses the holds of passenger flights to move this segment.

In November 2021, the company transported 3.9 thousand tons, compared to 4.2 thousand in October and 9.2 thousand in November 2019.

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