Viva will inaugurate 14 new routes starting in March

Viva to Cali and Cancun

Viva announced the launch of 14 new domestic routes, with five of them being exclusive to the airline: Valledupar, Neiva, Pasto, Villavicencio, and Armenia.

The routes, which will connect for the first time from the Medellín hub with destinations to Pereira, Armenia, Villavicencio, Valledupar, Riohacha and Pasto, Cali with Montería; Cartagena, with Villavicencio, Cúcuta, Armenia, Pasto and Neiva; to Bucaramanga with Santa Marta; and finally to San Andrés with Pereira and Armenia, will start operating during March of next year.

“2021 has been a remarkable year for Viva and there is no better way to close it than by launching 14 new routes, which represent our arrival in five new cities in Colombia that will now benefit from the entrance of the Super Low-Cost model to their region. This was made possible through a team effort with authorities, local tourism entities, and key stakeholders, who facilitated the expansion of our route network so that today we can say that with Viva we can travel throughout Colombia. We are proud to continue opening new opportunities and destinations for more flights,” said Felix Antelo, President & CEO of Grupo Viva.


With these new routes, which are available for sale as of December 15, Viva increases its connection network to 44 domestic routes, serving 18 destinations in Colombia, and expects to transport a total of 50 thousand passengers in the first year.

New routes

San Andres – Armenia

Weekly frequency: Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Start of operations: March 30, 2022.

Expected passengers per year: 50,000

Bucaramanga – Santa Marta

Weekly frequency: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Operation date: March 29, 2022.

Expected passengers per year: 50.000

Cali – Montería

Weekly frequency: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Operation date: March 29, 2022.

Expected passengers per year: 50,000.

Cartagena – Cúcuta

Weekly frequency: Monday, Thursday and Friday.

Operation date: March 28, 2022.

Expected passengers per year: 50,000.

Cartagena – Armenia

Weekly frequency: Monday, Friday and Saturday.

Operation date: March 25, 2022.

Expected passengers per year: 50,000.

Cartagena – Pasto

Weekly frequency: Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.

Operation date: March 29, 2022.

Expected passengers per year: 50,000.

Cartagena – Villavicencio

Weekly frequency: Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.

Operation date: March 30, 2022.

Expected passengers per year: 50,000.

Cartagena – Neiva

Weekly frequency: Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Operation date: 23 March 2022.

Expected passengers per year: 50,000.

Medellín – Pasto

Weekly frequency: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Operation date: March 29, 2022.

Expected passengers per year: 50,000.

Medellín – Valledupar

Weekly frequency: Wednesday and Friday.

Operation date: March 30, 2022.

Expected passengers per year: 50,000.

Medellín – Villavicencio

Weekly frequency: Monday, Friday and Sunday.

Operation date: March 28, 2022.

Expected passengers per year: 50.000

Medellín – Pereira

Weekly frequency: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday.

Operation date: March 18, 2022.

Expected passengers per year: 83,224.

Medellín – Riohacha

Weekly frequency: Wednesday and Saturday.

Operation date: March 28, 2022.

Expected passengers per year: 50,000.

Armenia – Medellin

Weekly frequency: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

Operation date: March 28, 2022

Expected passengers per year: 66,500

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