Eve publishes results of urban air mobility tests in Rio de Janeiro

Andrés Poleri


Brazilian manufacturer Embraer’s sustainable mobility project released Brazil’s first Concept of Operations for Urban Air Mobility (CONOPS) with data and analysis that, they reported, “cover perspective, points of care and operational needs of eVTOL vehicles, as well as passenger travel and services and support.”

In November last year, Eve had launched the urban air mobility simulation in Rio de Janeiro to practically validate some concepts and assumptions that can help address challenges related to UAM services with the vertical takeoff and landing vehicle it is developing.

CONOPS was developed through cooperation with eleven strategic partners and government entities, including ANAC Brazil, the Department of Airspace Control, EDP Brazil, Helisul Aviação, Skyports, Flapper, RIOgaleão, Universal Aviation, the Brazilian General Aviation Association; in addition to Beacon, a platform that connects the ecosystem of aircraft maintenance services, and Atech, a company specialized in air traffic control and management (civil and military), both belonging to the Embraer Group.

Luiz Mauad, Eve’s vice president of fleet services and operations, assured that “all the partners in this working group play an essential role in the development of urban air mobility. Therefore, this collaborative document was designed to better understand the characteristics and challenges facing this mode of transportation. It also provides information on the UAM ecosystem that can not only be adapted but also developed with solutions to ensure a safe and sustainable expansion.”

See also: Project Eve: Embraer starts in November a simulation of urban air mobility in Rio de Janeiro

All the information gathered from this simulation, published through CONOPS, will serve to define the characteristics, and needs to develop UAM both in Rio de Janeiro and in other regions, creating an Urban Air Mobility model applicable to any city.


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