IAWA Celebrates International Women’s Day 2023 with a Call to Embrace Equity


The International Aviation Womens Association (IAWA), a global organization of women in leadership positions across the aviation and aerospace industry, is celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD) today. This day pays tribute to the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

The theme of this year’s IWD, “Embrace Equity,” calls for action to embrace diversity and inclusion with the goal of creating a global conversation about why “equal opportunity is no longer enough.” By focusing instead on equitable opportunities, we recognize the unique circumstances of each individual in relation to creating equitable outcomes.

Karen Blanks Ellis and Sheila Remes, members of the IAWA Board of Directors, shared their thoughts on embracing equity.

Karen Blanks Ellis, Managing Director of Strategic Environmental Management and Sustainability at FedEx Express and Vice President of Partnership Development at IAWA, stated that “gender equality is a prerequisite for an organization that harnesses the rich and diverse contributions of all team members… without restrictions or artificial barriers… without marginalizing anyone. Then, everyone can thrive and organizations can reach their full potential. IAWA continues to provide critical support for advancing this goal in aviation.”

Sheila Remes, Vice President of Environmental Sustainability at The Boeing Company and Vice President of IAWA (Stakeholder Experience), stated that “embracing equity means…

  • Recognizing and rewarding women’s potential, not just their performance.
  • Challenging and supporting women to create a pipeline of female leaders.
  • Men and women who advocate for and support women in leadership.”

IAWA encourages you to share your images, videos, resources, presentations, and articles about #EmbraceEquity on social media using #IWD2023 #EmbraceEquity to encourage others to help create an inclusive world.

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