Northrop Grumman+E-130J+TACAMO

Northrop Grumman receives contract to develop E-130J, successor to E-6B Mercury on TACAMO mission

Gastón Dubois

Northrop Grumman has been selected as prime contractor for the development and delivery of nuclear command, control and communications (NC3) ...

Northrop Grumman+E-130J+TACAMO

Northrop Grumman recibe contrato para desarrollar el E-130J, sucesor del E-6B Mercury en la misión TACAMO

Gastón Dubois

Northrop Grumman ha sido seleccionada como contratista principal para el desarrollo y entrega de aeronaves de mando, control y comunicaciones nucleares ...

E-6B Mercury TACAMO US Navy

Farewell to the E-6B Mercury: it will be succeeded by the E-130J in the US Navy’s TACAMO strategic nuclear communications missions

Gastón Dubois

The U.S. Navy unveiled the name of its next Take Charge and Move Out (TACAMO) mission aircraft, which will be ...

E-6B Mercury TACAMO US Navy

Adiós al E-6B Mercury: será sucedido por el E-130J en las misiones TACAMO de comunicaciones nucleares estratégicas de la US. Navy

Gastón Dubois

La Marina de EE. UU. (US. NAvy) reveló el nombre de su próxima aeronave de misión Take Charge and Move ...