flght tests

KF-21 Boramae repostaje en vuelo

KF-21 Boramae performs first in-flight fueling test

Gastón Dubois

Korean Aerospace Industries’ KF-21 Boramae fighter successfully conducted its first in-flight refueling test. The KAI KF-21 Boramae test program reached ...

KF-21 Boramae Meteor test

KF-21 Boramae began its weapons launch tests

Gastón Dubois

The KF-21 Boramae continues its flight tests at full steam, successfully performing a Meteor air-to-air missile launch test to verify ...

KAI KF-21 003

The third KF-21 Boramae prototype made its maiden flight

Gastón Dubois

The third prototype of the KAI KF-21 Boramae test program had its first flight during noon on January 5, 2023. ...