
Ampaire sets endurance record using its hybrid Electric EEL aircraft

Ismael Awad-Risk

Ampaire demonstrates the capabilities of Its hybrid aircraft Electric EEL with a record-breaking flight that took place on December 10, ...

El avión híbrido de Ampaire vuela más de doce horas seguidas

Ismael Awad-Risk

Ampaire demostró las capacidades de su aeronave híbrida Electric EEL realizando un vuelo récord el 10 de diciembre de 2023 ...

GE Aerospace and NASA unveil hybrid electric aircraft

Ismael Awad-Risk

GE Aerospace and NASA have unveiled their hybrid electric aircraft, which will be part of the NASA’s Electrified Powertrain Flight ...

GE Aerospace y la NASA presentan su aeronave híbrida eléctrica

Ismael Awad-Risk

GE Aerospace y la NASA presentaron su aeronave híbrida eléctrica, que formará parte del proyecto de Demostración de Tren de ...

Embraer refines its Energia family and focuses on two 19-30 seats concepts

Pablo Díaz (diazpez)

Embraer today unveiled new aircraft concepts as part of the company’s progress report on Energia, Embraer’s initiative to bring the ...

Embraer refina su familia Energia y apuesta a dos conceptos de 19 y 30 asientos

Pablo Díaz (diazpez)

Embraer reveló hoy nuevos conceptos de avión como parte del informe de progreso de la empresa sobre Energia, la iniciativa ...

Electra completes the first flight of its solar-electric hybrid research aircraft

Agustín Miguens

American company Electra Aero, founded in 2020 with the goal of designing and producing low-emission solutions for aviation, completed the ...

DESAER and magniX partner to create the ATL-100H, a hybrid-electric regional courier

Pablo Díaz (diazpez)

Electric propulsion technology developer magniX today announced a partnership with Brazilian aeronautics company DESAER to develop the ATL-100H, a hybrid ...