maiden flight

KAAN primer vuelo

KAAN, Turkey’s fifth-generation fighter, made its maiden flight

Gastón Dubois

The first prototype of the Turkish 5th generation fighter, named KAAN, successfully completed its maiden flight, which lasted 13 minutes, ...

HAL LCA Tejas trainer

The first mass-produced two-seater training LCA Tejas takes off

Gastón Dubois

Fulfilling an important milestone in the LCA Tejas program, the first series-produced tandem seat training aircraft made its maiden flight ...

C919 Maiden Flight

Boeing and Airbus have a rival: maiden flight of the first production COMAC C919

Pablo Díaz (diazpez)

The first C919 to be delivered for commercial use successfully completed its maiden test flight on Saturday morning, according to ...

Boeing 787 Dreamliner - 787-10

El Boeing 787-10 volará por primera vez la próxima semana

Edgardo Gimenez Mazó

Boeing anunció hoy que planea realizar el vuelo inaugural del Boeing 787-10, la versión más grande de la familia de ...