Rapid Pacific 2022

Eurofighter Luftwaffe Rapid Pacific 2022

Rapid Pacific 2022: the Luftwaffe under the Southern Cross

Gastón Dubois

From Germany to Singapore in 24 hours, Operation Rapid Pacific 2022 represents the longest strategic deployment mission in the history ...

Eurofighter Luftwaffe Rapid Pacific 2022

Rapid Pacific 2022: la Luftwaffe bajo la Cruz del Sur

Gastón Dubois

De Alemania a Singapur en 24hs, la operación Rapid Pacific 2022 representa la misión de despliegue estratégico de más largo ...

Eurofighter Luftwaffe Pitch Black 2022 OTAN NATO

NATO spreads its wings – and shows its claws – over the Pacific

Gastón Dubois

Two of NATO’s main European partners, France and Germany, have made long-range deployments to Australia to present a united front ...

Eurofighter Luftwaffe Pitch Black 2022 OTAN NATO

La OTAN despliega sus alas -y muestra sus garras- sobre el Pacífico

Gastón Dubois

Dos de los principales socios europeos de la OTAN, Francia y Alemania, realizaron despliegues de largo alcance hacia Australia, a ...