
Viva suspende operaciones

Viva crisis: Colombian authorities will allow airlines to charge rescue tickets to affected travelers

Pablo Díaz (diazpez)

In a statement issued on the evening of March 8, the Colombian aeronautical authority – Aerocivil – authorized the airlines ...

Argentina’s National Football Team, rescued by helicopters

Pablo Díaz (diazpez)

This afternoon, the operation to celebrate the Argentine National Team’s victory in the World Cup in Qatar was overwhelmed and ...

Spanish court releases 34 million euros for Plus Ultra’s rescue plan

Pablo Díaz (diazpez)

In a new chapter in the history of the state bailout of Plus Ultra, the Court of Instruction number 15 ...

Canada prepares an aid package, but makes it conditional on airlines paying ticket refunds

Pablo Díaz (diazpez)

The coronavirus pandemic created a cascade of complications for all commercial airline operators globally. Some governments have been less active ...