Aeroméxico registers losses of USD 138 million in the second quarter

With the recovery underway but with the burden of a financial restructuring and an international segment still very affected (which represents more than half of its capacity), Grupo Aeroméxico presented its financial results for the second quarter of 2021, in which it is observed an improvement in the main indicators compared to the previous quarter, but still far from the pre-pandemic reality.

The group posted a net loss of MXN 2.8 billion (USD 138 million), a significant improvement compared to MXN – 4,192 million in the first quarter of 2021.

The operating result was negative at MXN 1,213 million (- 3,445 million in the first quarter), and excluding restructuring expenses, the result was MXN 609 million.

Revenues reached MXN 10,013 million, 46.2% higher than in the first quarter of this year, but 40.5% below those of the second quarter of 2019.

The cash balance reached MXN 19,170 million (USD 963 million), with a positive net cash flow from operating activities of MXN 2,514 million.

Regarding the operation, Aeroméxico’s (ASK) capacity increased by 9% compared to the first quarter of 2021, but remained 39.2% below from the one registered during the second quarter of 2019. The international segment grew 7.2% and national 11.4%. Demand (RPK) fell 46.6% compared to the second quarter of 2019, resulting in a 76.8% load factor on the network, seven percentage points lower.


Aeromexico Segundo Trimestre 2021


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