JetBlue launches Sustainable Travel Partners program to reduce CO2 emissions

Andrés Poleri

This initiative is focused on corporate customers and aims to reduce the environmental impact of business travel. The airline thus seeks to align itself with the sustainability goals of its customers, offering different options to mitigate emissions generated by its operations.

In launching the program with Biogen, Deloitte, ICF, and Salesforce, JetBlue aims to accelerate the path to sustainable aviation and reduce a combined total of 2,730 tons of carbon dioxide emissions from its flights.

To achieve this goal, the U.S. airline introduced the Sustainable Travel Partners program, through which it says it will support its customers in meeting their own corporate sustainability goals.

JetBlue’s strategy is divided into four initiatives:  

  • JetBlue Sustainable Aviation Fuel Certificates: on the one hand, the promotion of the purchase of sustainable aviation fuel by companies.  “By purchasing SAF certificates, our corporate customers can reduce their reported carbon footprint, while helping to cover the premium cost of such fuel that exists today, thus increasing the amount of SAF that JetBlue can obtain while helping to stimulate the emerging market, which is critical for the aviation industry to reach its net-zero goals,” the company said.
  • Carbon offsetting: JetBlue is looking to intensify its efforts to voluntarily offset CO2 emissions. From now on, according to the company, “customers can benefit from enhanced reporting on our free carbon offsets, as well as review opportunities to expand offsetting using JetBlue’s expertise and business partners”.
  • Emissions Travel Data and Analysis: JetBlue will provide customers with customized emissions reports, including operational data and the impact of their reduction initiatives.
  • Sustainability Tools and Consultation: JetBlue will have a dedicated team to work with customers to design strategies to reduce their own emissions associated with business travel.

The company has been actively working to introduce initiatives geared towards reducing the environmental impact of its business. According to Sara Bogdan, JetBlue’s director of sustainability and environmental social governance, “As our business customers return to the skies, they are increasingly asking for our support in meeting their sustainable and net-zero emissions travel goals.


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