Viva Aerobus recognized for its environmental commitment

The Mexican ultra-low-cost airline Viva Aerobus has just been recognized for having the third youngest fleet in North America.

In this way, the airline is recognized for its commitment to maintaining a young and efficient fleet for environmental benefit.

This recognition was granted by Ch-Aviation, a Swiss company founded in 1998, specializing in intelligence and information in civil aeronautics.

Having modern aircraft contributes significantly to the reduction of CO2 within the aviation industry due to the efficiencies of the engine that represent in terms of fuel use, thus directing the sector towards a sustainable operation.

This award was given to Viva Aerobus due to its modern fleet, conformed by 55 Airbus aircraft: 40 Airbus A320 and 15 Airbus A321, with an average age of 5 years.

In a press release, Juan Carlos Zuazua, Viva Aerobus’ CEO, commented that “this international recognition of our fleet as the third youngest in all of North America, which is also the youngest in Mexico, is the result of our mission not only to offer the best service at low prices but also to keep up with our environmental culture “El Futuro es Verde”.

Currently, Viva Aerobus is the airline with the lowest number of CO2 emissions per passenger in Mexico.

Among the Viva Aerobus’ environmental commitments, stands outs its objective is to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 15% for 2025.

This goal is supported by the carrier’s efficient operation: by its high load factor, and due to the technology of its aircraft and engines.

Thus, Viva Aerobus can maintain one of the lowest cost structures due to its fuel savings.

In this way, the Mexican ultra-low-cost shows its firm growth and modernization plan for its fleet, having closed 2021 with 12 more aircraft than at the end of 2020.

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