LATAM Ecuador announces new cargo routes


LATAM Ecuador obtained an operating authorization in the modality of public, regular, international cargo, and mail air transport in a combined type with 5 routes.

For all these routes, the airline will use Boeing 767-F aircraft.

The first authorized route is Quito and/or Guayaquil – Panama City – Los Angeles and/or Miami and/or Orlando and/or New York and/or Washington D.C. and/or Chicago and/or Atlanta and/or Houston – Mexico City and/or Monterrey and/or Guadalajara, and return.

The second route is Quito and/or Guayaquil – Manaus and/or São Paulo and/or Rio de Janeiro and/or Bello Horizonte and/or Florianopolis and/or Recife and/or Fortaleza and/or Curitiba and/or Salvador de Bahía and /or Brasilia and/or Porto Alegre and/or Cabo Frio and/or Vitoria and return.

The third route is Quito and/or Guayaquil – Los Angeles and/or Miami and/or Orlando and/or New York and/or Washington D.C. and/or Chicago and/or Atlanta and/or Houston – Bogotá and/or Medellín and/or Cali and/or Barranquilla, and return.

The fourth route is Quito and/or Guayaquil – Los Angeles and/or Miami and/or Orlando and/or New York and/or Washington D.C. and/or Chicago and/or Atlanta and/or Houston and/or Manaus and/or Sao Paulo and/or Rio de Janeiro and/or Bello Horizonte and/or Florianopolis and/or Recife and/or Fortaleza and/or Curitiba and/or o Salvador de Bahía and/or Brasilia and/or Porto Alegre and/or Cabo Frio and/or Vitoria and/or Santiago and/or Antofagasta and/or Iquique and/or Punta Arenas and/or Montevideo and/or Asunción and/or East City, and return.

Finally, the fifth route is Quito and/or Guayaquil – Los Angeles and/or Miami and/or Orlando and/or New York and/or Washington D.C. and/or Chicago and/or Atlanta and/or Houston and/or Santo Domingo and/or Punta Cana and/or Panama City, and return.

With this new authorization, LATAM Ecuador greatly strengthens its connectivity in terms of cargo transportation with the main cities of the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Panama, and the Dominican Republic.

See also: LATAM Airlines expects to receive 72 new aircraft over the next six years

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