After two years, flights between Colombia and Venezuela are set to return with 4 airlines

Finally, this Friday afternoon (21) the Colombian Ministry of Transportation confirmed that four airlines have been authorized to connect Colombia with Venezuela.

According to the publication, Avianca, Wingo and Satena were authorized for Colombia, while Laser and Conviasa were authorized for Venezuela.

The Colombian and Venezuelan aeronautical authorities granted the authorization, according to said Ministry.

«This only remains for the Colombian and Venezuelan presidents to give the go-ahead for air operations to begin», they continued, which seems to add another layer of uncertainty as to how and when regular flights between both countries will effectively begin.

The Colombian Ministry of Transport only exhibited a letter signed by the president of the National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC) of Venezuela, authorizing Laser to fly between Bogotá and Caracas, and between Bogotá and Maracaibo, in both cases with seven weekly operations.

Sources from Laser told Aviacionline that initially they plan to operate only between Caracas and Bogotá with four weekly flights.

From being one of the most important South American markets, which until 2017 had about 17 daily flights, Colombia-Venezuela dropped to about 30 weekly flights in early 2020 by LASER, Avior and Wingo.

The renewed diplomatic relationship between the two countries follows the inauguration of Gustavo Petro as president of Colombia, the first leftist in that country’s history.

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