LATAM to increase flights between Lima and Córdoba

LATAM will increase its flights between Lima and Cordoba as of January 1st. The airline currently operates to the Argentine city from Lima and Santiago de Chile, two of LATAM’s most important hubs in South America.

See also: LATAM inaugurates flights between Quito and Miami.

Schedule between Lima and Córdoba – LATAM

Flight From ETD To ETA
LA 2364 Lima (LIM) 12:25 a.m. Córdoba (COR) 6:00 a.m.
LA 2365 Córdoba (COR) 8:05 a.m. Lima (LIM) 9:55 a.m.

Aircraft used

  • Airbus A319 and Airbus A320 with 144 and 174 seats respectively.

Flight frequency

  • November: 4 weekly flights.
  • December: 4 weekly flights.
  • January: 7 weekly flights.
  • February: 4 weekly flights.

Route type

  • Regular.

Other information

  • LATAM is the only company to operate between Lima and Cordoba.
  • At time of publication, the daily frequency will be in January, the highest peak of the season.

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