New security measures in Lima airport to avoid riots and flights disruptions

While a large part of Peru remains paralyzed because of the protests of supporters of ousted President Pedro Castillo, the authorities seek to guarantee the operation of the country’s main airport, and also a key piece of South American air transportation, Lima’s Jorge Chavez Airport.

For this reason, new measures have been taken in conjunction with the Armed Forces and the National Police of Peru, which were detailed today by Lima Airport Partners, the airport’s operator.

Starting this Thursday, December 15 at 14:00 local time, only passengers with a travel ticket will be allowed to enter the airport.

Private vehicles that must drop off or pick up passengers will only be allowed to enter with the driver, without any accompanying person, in addition to those who must take a flight.

“Given the current situation, we urge our passengers and the airport community to collaborate with the compliance of these security measures to ensure that operations are carried out in an orderly manner.”

As of today, five Peruvian airports remain closed because they have been invaded by protesters or as a precaution: Cusco, Juliaca, Ayacucho, Andahuaylas and Arequipa, causing the cancellation of dozens of flights and thousands of stranded passengers.

The chambers that group the airline companies have made “an urgent call to the competent authorities to restore order at the airports to ensure the reestablishment of air operations in the country, safeguarding the safety of thousands of Peruvians. And, likewise, we call the citizens to the unity and order that the country needs at this time”.

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