#TBT: Aerolíneas INI flights between Buenos Aires and Miami in 1962

Sebastián Polito - Vuelos y Spotters

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After the deregulation of the Argentine skies in 1957, Aerolineas INI was one of the first airlines to inaugurate its services in the country. During the first years, the carrier was entirely dedicated to cargo transport, giving way to passenger operations in the early 1960s.

For this purpose, Aerolíneas INI added to its fleet a Douglas DC-6 leased from American Airlines, which was configured for 76 passengers.

Aerolíneas INI was recognized for offering more economic fares in relation to its competitors. Later on, this ended up being one of the consequences resulting in the closure of operations.

See also: #TBT: Aerolíneas Argentinas flights to Europe in 1979.

The company’s services to Miami were made with stops in Córdoba, Antofagasta, Lima and Panama City in both directions. In 1962, Aerolineas INI had three flights per week between Buenos Aires and the U.S. city on the mentioned aircraft.

Schedule between Buenos Aires and Miami in 1962 – Aerolíneas INI

  • Passenger flight

Departures from Buenos Aires: Monday, Wednesday and Friday – Douglas DC-6.

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Flight From ETD To ETA
180 Buenos Aires 10:00 Córdoba 11:30
180 Córdoba 12:30 Antofagasta* 14:45
180 Antofagasta* 15:45 Lima 18:15
180 Lima 19:15 Panama City 01:00 +1
180 Panama City 02:00 +1 Miami 07:00 +1

Departures from Miami: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday – Douglas DC-6.

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Flight From ETD To ETA
181 Miami 19:00 Panama City 00:00 +1
181 Panama City 01:00 +1 Lima 06:45 +1
181 Lima 07:45 +1 Antofagasta* 12:15 +1
181 Antofagasta* 13:15 +1 Córdoba 17:30 +1
181 Córdoba 18:30 +1 Buenos Aires 20:00 +1

*Technical stop.

  • Cargo flight

Departures from Buenos Aires: Wednesday – Douglas C-54.

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Flight From ETD To ETA
190 Buenos Aires 09:00 Lima 19:45
190 Lima 20:45 Panama City 04:45 +1
190 Panama City 05:45 +1 Miami 11:45 +1

Departures from Miami: Saturday – Douglas C-54.

To see all tables, place the mobile phone in a horizontal position

Flight From ETD To ETA
191 Miami 14:00 Panama City 20:00
191 Panama City 21:00 Lima 05:15 +1
191 Lima 06:15 +1 Buenos Aires 20:00 +1

Aerolineas INI deepened its economic crisis in 1963, definitively ceasing flights on September the 23rd of that year. Weeks later, the aircrafts returned to their owners, thus ending the short history of the company owned by José Ini and collaborators.


See also: #TBT: Lloyd Aéreo Boliviano (LAB) flights to the United States from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela in 1979.

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