Colombia: Aerocivil announces that it will advance the decision on the integration between Viva and Avianca

Viva Avianca aerocivil aprueba integración

Through a statement shared through social networks, the Colombian Civil Aeronautics indicated that it would advance the result of the integration request between Viva and Avianca while maintaining the “[due] technical and legal rigor”.

The Colombian aeronautical authority further informed that “under criteria of efficiency, celerity and due process, according to the applicable rules, a prompt decision is expected that will benefit users, competition and the sector.”

Viva, in its recent request for insolvency proceedings due to financial uncertainty, indicates that one of the reasons for its complicated economic situation is related to the delay of the aeronautical authority in approving the integration with Avianca, a process that has been going on for 6 months.

This is a developing story.

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