Dassault adds second tranche of 18 Indonesian Rafale fighters to its order backlog

Gastón Dubois

Dassault Rafale Indonesia

As part of the contract signed by Indonesia in February 2022 for the procurement of 42 Rafale, the second tranche of 18 Rafale entered into force today.

The procurement of the latest generation Rafale for the Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara (Indonesian National Army Air Force) includes a complete turnkey solution as well as a significant industrial return for the Indonesian aerospace sector. The Indonesian Rafale will be maintained and repaired locally by PT Dirgantara. Instruction projects will also be implemented within the framework of technical training and transfer of the necessary aeronautical know-how.

See also: Dassault confirms Rafale M selection by Indian Navy

“This new step consolidates the beginning of a long-term partnership with the Indonesian authorities, whom I would like to thank once again for their confidence. It testifies to the strategic link that unites Indonesia and France, and will be reflected in the growing presence of Dassault Aviation in the country”, said Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation.

So far, of the 42 Rafale fighters agreed between Indonesia and France through the signing of a letter of intent in 2021, only six units had been firmly contracted by September 2022. For them, a first batch of six pre-selected Indonesian pilots was sent to France to start their training and adaptation on the French combat aircraft.

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With the addition of this second tranche of 18 Rafale aircraft to Dassault’s order book, Indonesia now has 24 aircraft on firm order.

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