Denmark and Netherlands pledge 61 F-16 fighters to Zelensky

Gastón Dubois

F-16 para Ucrania Zelensky

Volodymir Zelensky, who is on a tour of northern European countries, reported in his social networks that the Netherlands will cede 42 F-16 fighters to Ukraine and Denmark another 19 units.

Two days after the Baiden administration committed to approve the shipment of F-16 fighters to Ukraine, the Netherlands and Denmark promised to transfer the aircraft, as soon as the necessary conditions are met.

Volodymir Zelensky during his whirlwind trip to the Netherlands, where he was informed that 42 F-16 fighters would be available for his Air Force.

The governments of both countries issued a joint press release:

Taking note of the establishment of the joint coalition on F16-training, we agree that the natural next step will be the transfer of F-16 fighter aircrafts. Donation of aircrafts will be vital for efforts related to ensuring Ukraine a fully functional F-16 capability.

We agree to transfer F-16 aircrafts to Ukraine and the Ukrainian Air Force in close cooperation with the U.S. and other partners, when the conditions for such a transfer are met. Conditions include, but are not limited to, successfully selected, tested and trained Ukrainian F-16 personnel as well as necessary authorizations, infrastructure and logistics.

In parallel with these efforts, we aim to broaden our coalition and we invite other interested nations to participate.

The Danish Minister of Defense, Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, declared to be “proud that Denmark, together with the Netherlands, will donate F16 fighter jets to Ukraine’s freedom struggle against Russia and their senseless aggression. Denmark’s support for Ukraine is unwavering, and with the donation of F16 aircraft, Denmark is now leading the way”.

Meanwhile, Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands, declared: “But as everyone understands: without the availability of F16s, training misses any purpose. In other words: Training means delivery.””.

Ukraine F-16

But how many F-16 aircraft will Ukraine get?

What is missing in the joint communiqué and in the statements of Rutte and Ellemann-Jensen, is the number of aircraft they would be in a position to transfer to Ukraine. The Netherlands and Denmark intended to be cautious with this information, but not the Ukrainian president.

In his social networks, Volodymir Zelensky announced that the Ukrainian Air Force will receive 19 F-16 fighter jets from Denmark and 42 from the Netherlands. In addition, he spoke with his peers about expanding the training program for Ukrainian personnel, no doubt in the hope of accelerating the arrival of US-origin fighters to the front line.

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