Israeli companies left out of FIDAE 2024, by government decision

Gastón Dubois

The Chilean government decided to exclude Israeli defense companies from the 2024 edition of the International Air and Space Fair (FIDAE).

The Chilean Ministry of National Defense informed that, by decision of the Government, the next International Air and Space Fair, to be held between April 9 and 14 of this year, will not count with the participation of Israeli companies.

FIDAE 2024 Comunicado Oficial

Although the brief official communiqué does not explain the reason for this decision, there is no doubt that it is a political action aimed at pressuring and distancing itself from a country that is at the center of a diplomatic, humanitarian and legal storm due to the way it is conducting its military operations in the Gaza Strip and Southern Lebanon.

The presence of Israeli defense companies in the different editions of FIDAE has been historically nourished and constant, given the technical-commercial ties they maintain with the Armed Forces of Chile and several other Armed Forces of the Region (such as the Kfir of the Colombian Air Force). Undoubtedly, their absence will be noticeable at the next fair.

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