Arctic Tensions Rise as Russian Su-35 Executes Dangerous Maneuver Near USAF F-16

Gastón Dubois

Su-35 F-16 ADIZ Alaska

The “close encounter” with the Russian Su-35 fighter took place on September 23, when U.S. Air Force (USAF) F-16 fighter jets conducted a routine intercept of Russian aircrafts in the Alaskan ADIZ.

On that day, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) issued a statement reporting that it detected and tracked four Russian military aircrafts (two Tu-95 “Bear” strategic bombers escorted by two Su-35 fighters) operating in the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). This Russian activity in the Alaskan ADIZ occurs regularly and is not considered a threat, although the frequency of these incursions has increased recently.

An ADIZ is a designated airspace where aircraft are identified as they approach a nation’s territorial airspace. This enables the armed forces to react swiftly to potential threats. Nevertheless, this particular operation deviated from the norm when one of the Su-35s executed an exceptionally close maneuver, passing within mere meters of an F-16’s nose in a provocative and hazardous demonstration.

Gen. Gregory Guillot called the Russian pilot’s conduct “unsafe, unprofessional and dangerous,” adding that it was “not what you would see in a professional air force.” A miscalculation on the part of the Russian pilot could have triggered an air collision with unpredictable consequences, both for the crews and for escalating tensions between the two powers.

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