The Ministry of Defense of Argentina has announced the acquisition of the special mission aircraft DA-62 MPP, manufactured by Diamond Aircraft Industries. This purchase, valued at seven million eight hundred thousand euros (€7,800,000), was carried out through a direct contracting procedure by exclusivity, according to the file cited in the view of Direct Contracting No. 84/7-0061-CDI22 of the General Staff of the Army.
The offer from Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH was accepted after a technical analysis by the Army Aviation Command, which concluded that the proposal met the technical requirements specified in the terms and conditions. The Evaluation Commission, after conducting preliminary administrative, economic, and technical analyses, recommended awarding the contract to the aforementioned firm.
The DA-62 MPP stands out for its high payload capacity, field-proven composite technology, and state-of-the-art avionics systems including the Garmin G1000 NXi glass cockpit and a fully integrated GFC700 autopilot.

In addition to these features, the DA-62 MPP offers ample cabin space for two pilots, an operator station, and sufficient volume for mission equipment and tools. The operator station has been ergonomically optimized and modularized for one or two operators, and the mission equipment can be placed in the luggage compartment using hard points and/or an equipment rack.
The aircraft has also been specially designed to carry multifunctional aerial sensors, such as EO/IR cameras, land and sea radars, COMINT solutions, airborne laser scanners, large format digital aerial cameras, and more. Mission kits can be mounted on specific hard points located on the nose and belly of the aircraft, as well as in the cabin and nose luggage compartments.
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