Embraer delivered to the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) the fifth modernized EMB 145 AEW&C aircraft, designated by the FAB as E-99M. The first modernized unit was delivered in November 2020.
In addition to its typical mission as an Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft, the E-99M will perform Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) functions.
«The delivery of the fifth E-99 is an important milestone for the E-99M project. This is the first aircraft delivered in FOC – Full Operational Capability – configuration, with systems fully certified for use by the Brazilian Air Force in protecting Brazil and its national sovereignty,» says Bosco da Costa Junior, President and CEO of Embraer Defence & Security. «The four previously delivered aircraft will be upgraded to the FOC version so that they can fully perform all the missions for which they were designed.»

Developed on the platform of the successful ERJ 145 regional jet, the FAB’s E-99 is capable of detecting, tracking and identifying targets in its coverage area and transmitting this information via Data Link. The aircraft performs airspace surveillance, interdiction control and management, electronic intelligence and border surveillance missions.
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With the modernization, the E-99M aircraft now has a fully upgraded Erieye radar and command and control (C2) systems. The aircraft also features new Electronic Warfare Systems(Non-Communication – NCOM), a new IFF Transponder, 7 software defined V/UHF radios, a new Mission Audio system with VOIP technology and a new Mission Audio and Data recorder, as well as the Data Link function adapted to the new architecture. The aircraft interior has also been upgraded to increase crew comfort and expand operational capability, with five consoles redesigned and optimized for better use of the modernized systems.

The E-99M project is led by the Combat Aircraft Program Coordinating Committee (COPAC) together with Embraer and international suppliers such as SAAB, Aeroelectronica International (AELI) and Rohde & Schwarz. Atech, an Embraer Group company, is participating in the project by developing part of the command and control system and supplying six mission planning and analysis stations, which will be used for crew training and improvement.
In addition to being operated by the FAB, the EMB 145 AEW&C is also operated by the air forces of India, Mexico and Greece.
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