Flybondi announced the launch of the Golden Ticket, a new option within its line of Ultra Passes, aimed at providing a fresh alternative for frequent travelers within Argentina. According to the company, this pass allows users to access 50 round-trip tickets to domestic destinations operated by the airline, valid for one year with no date or route restrictions.
According to Flybondi, the Golden Ticket is designed for frequent travelers, businesspeople, and individuals with family in other provinces, offering them complete freedom to plan their trips. For its launch, the company is offering a limited pre-sale of 30 passes at a promotional price of ARS 999,999 (~ USD 1,000), making each ticket cost ARS 19,999.
See also: Flybondi Adds Two Airbus A320s, Diversifying Its Fleet for the First Time
This new product joins the already available Ultra Passes, which include various options with different ticket quantities and destinations.
Flybondi offers several options within its Ultra Pass line, such as the Mix pass, which includes 5 round-trip tickets from Buenos Aires to destinations like Mendoza, Neuquén, Córdoba, Tucumán, Salta, Corrientes, and Posadas; the Turisteando pass, which provides 5 round-trip tickets to tourist destinations like Bariloche, Trelew, Iguazú, Mendoza, and Jujuy; and the A tu medida pass, which allows 5 round-trip tickets to any domestic destination operated by the airline.
The ultra-low-cost carrier currently operates 26 routes, of which 18 are domestic from Buenos Aires, while the remaining ones include interprovincial and international connections. The airline details that its network reaches 19 domestic destinations and 3 international destinations.
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