NH Industries

NATO and NHIndustries invest 600 million euros in NH90 helicopter software upgrade

Gastón Dubois

  The NATO Helicopter Management Agency (NAHEMA) and NHIndustries (NHI) today announced the signing of a major contract, valued at ...

La OTAN y NHIndustries invierten 600 millones de euros en la actualización del helicóptero NH90

Gastón Dubois

  La Agencia de Gestión de Helicópteros de la OTAN (NAHEMA) y NHIndustries (NHI) anunciaron hoy la firma de un ...

MRH-90 Taipan

Will the MRH-90 Taipan fleet end up in Ukraine? Kiev wants helicopters Australia is scrapping

Gastón Dubois

Pressure groups and native Ukrainians living in Australia are pushing for the government to hand over to Ukraine the fleet ...

Netherlands to modernize its fleet of naval NH90 helicopters

Gastón Dubois

The Dutch Ministry of Defense will apply a mid-life upgrade (MLU) to 19 NH90 naval helicopters. As announced by State ...

Países Bajos modernizará su flota de helicópteros NH90 navales

Gastón Dubois

El Ministerio de Defensa de Países Bajos aplicará una actualización de media vida (MLU) a 19 helicópteros navales NH90. Según ...

MRH90 Taipan Australia

NHIndustries statement on Australia’s decision to ground “for good” its MRH90 helicopters

Gastón Dubois

After an NH-90 helicopter (locally designated MRH90 Taipan) crashed into the sea off Lindeman Island during the Talisman Sabre exercise, ...

MRH90 Taipan Australia

Declaración de NHIndustries sobre la decisión de Australia de dejar en tierra sus MRH90

Gastón Dubois

Luego de que un helicóptero NH-90 (designado localmente como MRH90 Taipan) se estrellara en el mar frente a la isla ...

NH90 Belgium

Bélgica busca helicóptero sustituto para sus A109 y NH90

Gastón Dubois

El Consejo de Ministros del Gobierno belga aprobó el viernes los planes de compra de 20 nuevos helicópteros: 15 serían ...

NH90 Belgium

Belgium seeks replacement for its A109 and NH90 helicopters

Gastón Dubois

The Belgian Government’s Council of Ministers on Friday approved plans to purchase 20 new helicopters: 15 would be to replace ...

NH90 Norway

Norway terminates NH90 contract and demands a refund

Gastón Dubois

The Norwegian Ministry of Defense made the decision to cancel the NHIndustries contract and return its NH90 helicopters, given the ...

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