
Patriot PAC-3 Alemania Germany

U.S. authorizes sale of 600 PATRIOT PAC-3 MSE missiles to Germany for USD 5.0 billion

Gastón Dubois

The U.S. government authorized a possible sale of 600 PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 missiles (PAC-3 MSE) to Germany for $5.0 billion. ...

Patriot PAC-3 Alemania Germany

EE.UU. autoriza venta de 600 Misiles PATRIOT PAC-3 MSE a Alemania por USD 5,000 millones

Gastón Dubois

El gobierno de EE.UU. autorizó la posible venta de 600 misiles PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3 MSE) a Alemania, por 5.000 ...

Patriot PAC-3 Alemania Germany

Boeing increases production of Patriot PAC-3 seekers in response to high global demand

Gastón Dubois

In a geopolitical context marked by growing regional tensions and the war in Ukraine, the defense industry is experiencing a ...

Patriot PAC-3 Alemania Germany

Boeing aumenta producción de buscadores de Patriot PAC-3 ante la alta demanda global

Gastón Dubois

En un contexto geopolítico marcado por crecientes tensiones regionales y la guerra en Ucrania, la industria de defensa vive un ...

F-16 para Ucrania Zelensky

How Ukraine plans to use F-16 fighters to challenge Russian air superiority

Gastón Dubois

  General Sergiy Golubtsov, commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, gave an interview to Radio Svoboda, in which he elaborated ...

F-16 para Ucrania Zelensky

Cómo Ucrania planea utilizar los cazas F-16 para desafiar la superioridad aérea rusa

Gastón Dubois

  El general Sergiy Golubtsov, comandante de la Fuerza Aérea de Ucrania, brindó una entrevista a Radio Svoboda, en la ...

España y Ucrania firman acuerdo de seguridad

Spain and Ukraine sign security agreement that could reach up to 5 billion euros

Gastón Dubois

During the Ukrainian president’s first official visit to Spain, Volodymir Zelenski and Pedro Sanchez signed a bilateral agreement whereby Madrid ...

Patriot Eslovaquia / Slovakia

Slovakia considers purchase of Patriot to boost air defense

Gastón Dubois

Slovakia wants to discuss buying a Patriot air defense system from the United States as part of its long-term plans ...

Patriot Eslovaquia / Slovakia

Eslovaquia considera la compra del Patriot para potenciar su defensa aérea

Gastón Dubois

Eslovaquia quiere discutir la compra de un sistema de defensa antiaérea Patriot a Estados Unidos como parte de sus planes ...

Russian Il-22 barely escaped

Gastón Dubois

The Il-22, an aircraft used as a flying command post by the Russian Air Force, suffered a missile strike that ...

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