Mariusz Błaszczak
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Polish Army takes delivery of its first two Leonardo AW149 helicopters
Poland signs major procurement contracts to modernize and expand its air defense
Polonia firma importantes contratos de compra para modernizar y expandir su defensa aérea
Poland moves forward with procurement of 22 AW101 heavy helicopters
Polonia avanza en la adquisición de 22 helicópteros pesados AW101
Poland acquires Swedish Saab 340 AEW airborne early warning and control aircraft
Polonia adquiere el avión de alerta temprana y control aerotransportado sueco Saab 340 AEW
Poland to acquire additional S-70i Black Hawk helicopters
Polonia adquirirá más helicópteros S-70i Black Hawk
Official Roll-Out of the first FA-50GF for Poland
Roll-Out oficial del primer FA-50GF para Polonia
Poland confirmed purchase of Hellfire missiles for AW149 and AH-64E Apache helicopters
Poland is negotiating the purchase of SAAB GlobalEye Airborne Early Warning and Control system
Polonia negocia la compra de aviones de alerta temprana GlobalEye de SAAB
Poland received its first Turkish drones Bayraktar TB2
Polonia recibió sus primeros drones turcos Bayraktar TB2
Poland to acquire 96 Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian attack helicopters
Polonia adquirirá 96 helicópteros de ataque AH-64E Apache Guardian
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