Turkish advanced trainer HÜRJET breaks the sound barrier for the first time in tests

Gastón Dubois


The Turkish HÜRJET advanced trainer/light fighter broke the sound barrier for the first time during a test flight.

Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI/TUSAS) celebrated reaching a new milestone in the development of the HÜRJET, when during one of its test flights, it broke the sound barrier by reaching Mach 1.01 speed.

HÜRJET is a single-engine twin-seat aircraft developed by the Turkish defense industry to meet international and Turkish Air Force (Türk Hava Kuvvetleri) requirements by replacing the outdated T-38 as advanced trainer aircraft (AJT) and F-5 as aerobatic team aircraft with a modern, high-performance multirole aircraft.

With a modern design and construction, this aircraft stands out for its high performance and advanced avionics equipment, which not only facilitates a smoother transition for future fighter pilots to fifth-generation fighters, but is also optimized to perform effectively as a light combat aircraft, replacing fourth-generation and earlier fighters that are already showing obvious signs of obsolescence.

In addition to the initial order of 16 units (including the four Block 0 prototypes and 12 Block 1 series aircraft) placed by the Turkish Air Force, Spain has shown interest in the model to replace the Air and Space Army’s veteran F-5Ms in the advanced/Lead-in fighter training (LIFT) missions, whose operational life would have reached its limit in 2030.

According to Turkish media, Madrid and Istanbul are reportedly negotiating a mutually beneficial swap deal, whereby Spain would receive 24 HÜRJETs in exchange for six Airbus A400M transport aircraft.

A400M España / Spain

It should be noted that Spain initially ordered 27 A400M aircraft, but finally opted to operate only 17 (it currently has 14 operational units), leaving a surplus of 10 aircraft that it is looking to sell on the export market. The Turkish Air Force, for its part, already has a fleet of 10 A400Ms, so that, if the barter agreement is concluded, it could significantly expand its strategic transport capacity at a significantly lower cost.

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