Mexico Airport Shooting – Officer Injured, Suspect Arrested: What We Know


Following a shooting incident at Terminal 1 of the Mexico City International Airport (AICM), the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) has issued a detailed report regarding the incident.

Incident Background

The security forces were conducting an investigation in the vicinity of the airport, acting on multiple citizen complaints regarding thefts in the customs area. During the investigation, officers spotted a vehicle connected to several crimes on Del Peñón Avenue and its junction with the Inner Circuit in the Pensador Mexicano neighborhood, Venustiano Carranza borough.

The situation escalated when one of the suspects noticed the police presence, fired at the officers, and sped towards the AICM parking entrance. The suspect collided with several vehicles before exiting his vehicle and being detained.

The shooting caused panic among passengers and employees of the terminal, who sought cover and remained in alert until security forces cleared the scene.

Casualties and Security Response

As a result, one officer suffered gunshot wounds, and a female officer was injured by being run over. The AICM Authority emphasized that no passengers or visitors were at risk at any time. The immediate activation of security protocols involved the Marina, airport security, and Auxiliary Police.

Carlos Velázquez Tizcareño, director of the AICM, assured that the shootout between the alleged cargo truck thief and the capital’s police occurred outside Terminal 1 and did not put civilians at any risk.

The AICM assured that appropriate judicial authorities are addressing the incident, emphasizing that no passengers or visitors were endangered during the incident.

This is a developing story. 

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