Israel requested the purchase of 25 Boeing F-15IA Advanced Eagles

Gastón Dubois

F-15IA Israel

The Israeli Ministry of Defense submitted a formal request for the purchase of 25 Boeing F-15EX Eagle II heavy fighters, which in the Israeli Air Force would receive the designation F-15IA.

According to the Israel Defense site, the Israeli government sent a letter of request (LOR) to the U.S. government for the possible purchase of 25 F-15IA fighter jets. The LOR is the first step for the purchase of armaments through the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) process, from which the detailed negotiation on quantities, prices and conditions derives.

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) not only plans to fortify itself with a new squadron of F-15IA (for Israel Advance) fighters, but also wants to upgrade its current 25 F-15I Ra’am to the same level, which would receive the designation F-15I+.

The IAF is pursuing an aggressive fleet modernization program, with the purchase of KC-46 Pegasus air-to-air refueling aircraft and the purchase of 12 CH-53K King Stallion, along with the addition of the F-35I, in order to maintain its technological edge over its neighbors, and in particular to prepare for an eventual war with Iran.

What will the F-15IA and F-15I+ look like?

As advertised by Boeing, the aircraft in their new configuration will include the most powerful computer flying in the air and in space today and the most powerful AESA radar. In addition, the F-15IA and F-15I+ aircraft will be equipped with premium Israeli technologies such as a Fly-By-Wire flight control system, AESA radar, a missile approach warning system, a huge touchscreen cockpit display and a digital helmet-mounted display, ensuring a perfect view of the tactical situation in the air and on the ground.

All this autochthonous equipment will ensure the easy integration of armaments and sensor or electronic warfare pods of Israeli origin, designed according to the very particular operational needs of the IAF.

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