South America’s Largest Airport to Expand Capacity with New Piers and USD 250 Million Investment

The Plenary of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) ratified, on Wednesday, October 23, an agreement between the Ministry of Ports and Airports (MPOR), through the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac), and the concessionaire GRU Airport S.A. to restore the economic-financial balance of the concession contract for the Guarulhos Airport in São Paulo, the busiest in South America, with 41.3 million passengers in 2023.

The proposal approved by the TCU ministers extends the airport concession period until November 2033, allowing the company to operate 16 months beyond the initially planned term. In exchange, between 2025 and 2029, new investments will need to be made to increase operational capacity, improve security levels (both operational and against unlawful interference), and enhance the quality of services offered, as reported by our associated media in Brazil, Aeroin.

The concessionaire GRU Airport will build two piers (one for international passengers and another for domestic passengers), expand the aircraft aprons, and create new taxiways. Additionally, inspection equipment for checked and carry-on luggage, perimeter surveillance systems, and biometric access controls for employees will be acquired, among other improvements.

The investments will total approximately R$1.4 billion (~USD 246 million). To carry them out, the commission established within the External Control Secretariat for Consensual Solution and Conflict Prevention (SecexConsenso) negotiated an innovative risk-sharing model for aviation concession contracts. According to the proposal, part of the expenses may be divided between the concessionaire and the public sector, depending on the evolution of passenger demand at the airport.

The contractual clauses will also be updated in line with the new rules of the National Civil Aviation Agency regarding penalties and arbitration terms. The agreement signed within the scope of the TCU will serve as a benchmark for other disputes related to aviation concession contracts.

New piers

The major new feature for GRU Airport users will be the piers to be built at Terminals 2 and 3, which will cater to both domestic and international flights. Another new feature is the construction of a road access to the Rodoanel (São Paulo’s ring road).

According to the TCU document, the new passenger piers will be called T2L and T3B. Additionally, a baggage system connecting Terminal 3 to Terminal 2 is planned, as well as the acquisition of equipment to enhance security against unlawful acts (security), among other improvements.

The new piers will be built in the current remote parking positions, where boarding is currently done by buses that transport passengers to the staircases leading to the aircraft.

For the aircraft, a rapid exit taxiway will be constructed to facilitate the runway’s clearance when landings occur on runway 28 left.

It was determined that the construction of the T3B pier will be entirely the responsibility of the concessionaire GRU Airport, as it is contractually required due to the existing demand at the airport (and projected until the end of the contractual term), which will not result in a contract rebalancing.

On the other hand, the construction of the T2L pier, the new check-in and baggage drop-off island, the new aircraft aprons (Phase 2 of Sector 7 and Remote Sector 1B), the new taxiways connecting runways 10R and 10L, and the new rapid exit taxiway will be shared responsibilities between the public sector and the concessionaire, depending on the demand evolution at Guarulhos Airport.

Some of these projects (Sector 7 and taxiways) will start to be shared when the annual demand reaches 55 million passengers, and they will be entirely funded by the concessionaire when demand reaches 65 million, if this occurs within the concession term, at a rate of 10% of the investment value for each additional million passengers. Other projects (T2L pier, new check-in and baggage drop-off island in Terminal 3, and aircraft apron 1B) will be shared starting at 60 million annual passengers, increasing at the same proportion (10% for each million passengers).

The construction deadline for the new international pier at Terminal 3, estimated at R$ 330 million (~USD 58 million), is December 2026, and for the domestic pier at Terminal 2, the deadline is December 2028, with an estimated cost of R$ 194 million (~USD 34 million).

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