Turkey eases entry of passengers coming from Brazil

Durante Gianfranco

The Turkish government announced that as of last November 15, passengers leaving Brazil are free to enter the country without having to undergo quarantine.

The easing of free circulation in the country was announced in June and immediately revoked, however, new measures came into force this week.

As reported by our partner media in Brazil, Aeroin, based on information released by the Consulate General of Brazil in Istanbul, the mandatory measures to enter the country include the presentation of a negative RT-PCR test, in English, performed 72 hours prior to arrival in Turkey and the presentation, before boarding, an English proof of having applied, more than two weeks prior to arrival, two doses of the vaccine approved for emergency use by the WHO or Turkey, or one dose in the case of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Turkish citizens departing Brazil may present as another option a negative antigen test in lieu of RT-PCR, performed within 48 hours prior to arrival in the country.

The Brazilian consulate also advised that children under 12 years of age are exempt from the testing and vaccination requirements. In addition, youngsters between 12 and 18 years of age who cannot prove that they have not been vaccinated may enter Turkey provided they travel accompanied by their parents and present a negative PCR test performed within 72 hours prior to their arrival in the country.

In such cases, a new test will be performed at their residence or accommodation in Turkey and, if the result is negative, quarantine is not required. Passengers of other ages who cannot prove that they are fully vaccinated will be quarantined at their residence or at the address indicated by them.

Direct flights between both countries:

Passengers departing from Brazil have the option of flying direct between Istanbul and Guarulhos International Airport via Turkish Airlines, with Airbus A350-900 aircraft seating 329 passengers.

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, flight TK16 departs São Paulo at 3.55 AM and arrives in Turkey at 10.30 PM. There is also the possibility of taking flight TK194, which departs from Guarulhos at 11:50 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.

In the opposite direction, flight TK15 departs Istanbul at 10:20 AM on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, and lands in Brazil at 7:50 PM, while flight TK193 takes place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, departing at 2:35 PM and arriving in São Paulo-Guarulhos at 10:10 PM.

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