LATAM Airlines Achieves Highest Load Factor in July Since 2019

Aeronaves de LATAM Colombia en el aeropuerto El Dorado de Bogotá

LATAM Airlines Group reported that between January and July 2023, it transported 41 million passengers, an increase of 20.1% compared to the same period last year.

In July alone, LATAM mobilized 6.8 million passengers, a figure 19.2% higher than in July 2022, and even 2% more than in 2019. Passenger traffic (in RPK) grew 19.6%, while capacity (in ASK) increased by 13.5%. The key figure is the load factor, which reached 86.8%, the highest level since 2019, prior to the outbreak of the pandemic.

The international segment boosted the average by achieving a load factor of 88.8%, while domestic flights in Brazil reached 84.9%, and domestic flights in Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru were 84.8%.

In cargo, capacity (in tonne-kilometers) grew 8.8% compared to July 2022.

Main news from LATAM Airlines’ network

You can read more news about LATAM’s network at this link.

LATAM Airlines will fly to 143 destinations in 23 countries during August, operating around 1,441 daily flights (1,230 domestic and 220 international). LATAM Brazil leads with 747 daily flights, followed by LATAM Peru with 272 flights, Chile and Colombia with 225 daily flights each, and finally LATAM Ecuador with 56 daily flights.

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