Rostec to present the latest in its range of helicopters at Russian “Army-2023” forum

Gustavo Roe

Russian Helicopters Group, a subsidiary of Rostec, will present its full range of helicopters at the Army-2023 military-technical forum, to be held August 14-20 at Patriot Park near Moscow.

Among the key exhibits will be the latest update of the Ka-32A11M firefighting helicopter, as well as the Ka-226T light helicopter and the BAS-200 drone.

Kamov Ka-32A11M

Ka-32A11M firefighting helicopter.

The Ka-32A11M, which has been successfully employed for firefighting, can be equipped with a Russian-developed SP-32 firefighting system. In addition, the aircraft’s cabin has been equipped with electric heating enabling it to operate in low temperatures. But the main novelty is that this helicopter will incorporate a new reservoir capable of holding 4 tons of water, which can be collected in just 1 minute.

Kamov Ka-226T

Ka-226T Light Multirole Helicopter

Rostec notes that the Ka-226T has been upgraded for flight in the high mountains and over the water surface. Lightweight materials were used in the helicopter’s fuselage for this purpose, but a crash-resistant fuel system (including a larger fuel tank that increases the helo’s flight range) was not neglected. Likewise, the flight communication and navigation system was improved.

BAS-200 unmanned helicopter

BAS-200 Rostec
BAS-200 unmanned helicopter system. Photo: Rostec.

Finally, the Russian company will also promote the BAS-200, the first and only unmanned aerial vehicle with “helicopter” certification. Participants of the Army-2023 forum will be able to “fly” this aircraft in a flight simulator.

See also: Rostec unveiled the BAS-750, its new and most capable unmanned helicopter

Rostec highlights the versatility of its BAS-200, which can be used for various tasks such as visual and radar monitoring, communications relay, search and rescue operations and delivery of goods. Each BAS-200 complex includes two helicopter-type drones, a ground control station and an equipment transport container. The preparation time before each operation is 10 minutes, with a maximum operational range of 4 hours, and its speed is 400 km/h.

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