SKY relaunches the Lima — Punta Cana route

Pablo Díaz (diazpez)

Updated on:

Continuing with its growth plans in the region, SKY announced that it will relaunch its international route Lima-Punta Cana-Lima. Operations will start on January 3, 2022.

The opening of this new route mainly seeks to enable those living in Peru to have a vacation in the paradisaical Caribbean beaches, characterized by a wide range of nature, culture, and outdoor fun in an excellent tropical climate.

“Before the pandemic, Punta Cana was one of the most popular vacation destinations for Peruvians. Today, we are betting on reactivating that market, offering extremely competitive fares for travelers. We expect to transport around 4,000 passengers per month,” said José Raúl Vargas, SKY’s General Manager in Peru.

SKY has already started to sell tickets with incredibly attractive prices, ranging from US$349 round trip. These fares include airport taxes and fees.

The selling period for these fares is from October 03 to 10, 2021, and are valid for flying from  January 03 to March 31, 2022.

SKY will operate the route three times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays). Subject authorities’ approval.

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