JURCA repudiates BCRA’s new measure that affects flight financing in Argentina

After the unexpected announcement of Communication «A» 7407 of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) informing about the restriction to finance purchases made with credit cards of different tourist services in installments, including airline tickets, the Chamber of Airlines in Argentina – JURCA, expressed its » disconcert, worry and repudiation», in what they consider a new » hit to our industry, which is still in the recovery stage of the worst crisis in its history».

«None of this was ever consulted or anticipated with our industry. Only days ago, from JURCA we had asked to meet with the Minister of Tourism and the Chief of Cabinet Juan Mansur to lift the current restrictions to allow scheduling new frequencies. It is regrettable that after more than a year of pandemic, where the industry has requested meetings and working meetings with the authorities, including the Chief of Cabinet, this sector that generates thousands of jobs directly and indirectly and supports ARGENTINE families whose income comes from it, is not listened to», said Felipe Baravalle, director of JURCA, who also took the opportunity to point out that measures that limit international arrivals every half hour are still in force while the flights approved as of January 1, 2022, are still in uncertainty.

From JURCA they went further and pointed out that this negatively impacts growth plans, an increase of frequencies, and the arrival of tourists and foreign currency to the country.

» In our country alone, in the last times we should keep in mind that on the value of the fare nowadays 30% of the PAIS Tax is applied, + 35% of Perception + 7% of DNT (Tourism Tax) + 45% of Financing.
= 117% on the value of the FARE», continued Baravalle.

«If there was any intention of bringing in tourism or improving connectivity to attract foreign currency, this is certainly not the path. A few days before the International Tourism Fair in Argentina, we wonder what can be planned in a context like this. How can they explain to the Head Offices why other countries are opening up and here we continue to isolate ourselves day after day», he concluded.

A piece of information that came out later was that Aerolíneas Argentinas did not adhere to JURCA’s statement and that it is not against the BCRA’s measure. This could generate further frictions like the ones that took place last year when, in the first months of the pandemic, the chamber that gathers the airlines complained to the government about different issues, so that the state-owned company decided to promote the re-launching of the Chamber of Airlines of the Argentine Republic (CLARA), formed only by those with national capital (at that time it also included American Jet, Andes, Avian-ex Avianca Argentina, Flyest and LASA, of which today only American Jet flies).




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