Argentina to send flight to evacuate Argentine citizens from Israel

Gastón Dubois

Ciudadanos argentinos Israel / Argentine citizens Israel

The Argentine Minister of Defense, Jorge Taiana, ordered the implementation of an urgent plan to repatriate the citizens who are in Israel.

Minister Taiana instructed the Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Lt. Gen. Juan Martin Paleo, to immediately activate “an evacuation plan to repatriate the Argentines who are in the conflict zone in Israel”.

For now there are no further details of the operation which is just beginning to be planned, it is not known if Boeing 737 or C-130 Hercules aircrafts of the Argentine Air Force will be sent, or if any of the Airbus A330 of Aerolíneas Argentinas will be made available.

T-99 "Islas Malvinas" RIAT 2023 Fuerza Aérea Argentina - Argentine Air Force
One of the options for the repatriation flight is the Boeing 737 “Islas Malvinas” (T-99) of the Argentine Air Force.

See also: Chilean Air Force Boeing 737 on its way to Israel to evacuate Chilean citizens

Consulted by Aviacionline, Aerolíneas Argentinas informed that it has not yet received any request to use any of its A330s, an aircraft that would be suitable for this task.

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