Japan will deploy a constellation of small satellites to track hypersonic missiles

Gastón Dubois

satélites - satellites

Japan plans to deploy a constellation of 50 compact satellites in low-Earth orbit to track next-generation hypersonic missiles capable of evading current defense systems.

The Japanese newspaper The Asashi Shimbun reported that Japan’s Ministry of Defense is studying the development and deployment of a network of 50 small satellites that would work in a coordinated manner for the early detection and tracking of next-generation hypersonic attack missiles, such as those being deployed by Russia and China.

By the end of 2021, Japan had already announced the future launch of a small constellation of three satellites for the same purposes. The U.S. is also working on a satellite solution of its own to address the hypersonic threat.

See also: Japan to launch 3 small satellites to detect hypersonic vehicles

In addition to the satellites, the Defense Ministry will also seek passage of legislation to give the Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) the capability to attack enemy missile bases. “If Japan acquires the capability to attack enemy bases, the satellites will be useful in gathering information on the targets of their attacks,” a government source said.

satélites compactossmall satellites
A constellation of compact satellites (between 100 and 180kg) working as a team can provide the same performance as larger, more advanced systems, at a much lower cost and risk.

The Ministry of Defense intends to specify the satellite constellation framework in the next Medium-Term Defense Program, for the period between fiscal years 2023 and 2027. The possibility of private organizations taking over the operation is being discussed.

It will also seek to access and combine the intelligence provided by commercial observation satellites and those of the U.S. Government, its largest military ally, to significantly strengthen Japan’s intelligence-gathering capabilities in the face of this new type of threat.

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