Spain and Ukraine sign security agreement that could reach up to 5 billion euros

Gastón Dubois

España y Ucrania firman acuerdo de seguridad

During the Ukrainian president’s first official visit to Spain, Volodymir Zelenski and Pedro Sanchez signed a bilateral agreement whereby Madrid will deliver 1.129 billion euros in military aid to Kiev through 2024, with the possibility of increasing that assistance to 5 billion through 2027.

Upon his arrival in Spain, Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelenski was received at the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport by King Felipe VI.

According to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, the agreement signed in La Moncloa has been under negotiation, according to government sources, since late summer 2023. The memorandum consists of 18 pages and would have a 10-year projection, which can be reviewed, modified and extended according to emerging needs.

Through his social networks, the President of Ukraine expressed his deep gratitude to the Spanish people and Government for their continued support.

Spain will not only transfer military material, but will also cooperate with Ukraine in terms of intelligence, donation of technological material, transportation equipment, humanitarian aid, personnel training, financial support, etc.

“The agreement also implies a comprehensive vision of security, extending to such areas as financial support and industrial collaboration,” President Sanchez stressed. “We will be with Ukraine for as long as it takes until its freedom, territorial integrity and national sovereignty are guaranteed,” he added.

Spanish armament to arrive in Ukraine this year

The military aid package committed by Madrid that will reach Ukraine during the course of this year, valued at more than 1.1 billion euros, comprises the following main items:

  • Patriot air defense missiles
  • 155 mm artillery ammunition
  • 19 Leopard 2A4 main battle tanks
  • C-90/Alcotan-100 rocket-propelled grenade launchers
  • Remote weapon stations for 12.7 mm weapons
  • Anti-drone systems
  • URO VAMTAC 4×4 armored vehicles
The presidents of Ukraine and Spain, Volodymir Zelenski and Pedro Sanchez signed a bilateral agreement under which Kiev will receive 1.129 billion euros in military aid during 2024
The presidents of Ukraine and Spain, Volodymir Zelenski and Pedro Sanchez, respectively.

This material will come in part from the Spanish Armed Forces’ stocks, and another part will be manufactured by the Spanish defense industry, boosting the local economy. Military assistance also includes the continuation of the training of Ukrainian personnel in Toledo.

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